It Could All Be So Simple....

Like Lauryn Hill says - It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard! If we all just spread a little peace it would be so much easier!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

My New Bike

I got a new bike. I'm going to ride my ass all over town - to the beach, to the park, around the block, to the corner store when I need some milk real quick... I'm gonna... YEAH RIGHT!!

I have a problem. I need help. I hate to exercise. I want to, but dammit, I just can't get motivated. THE GYM IS BORING. Straight up. Anyone who disagrees is a damn lie. Nobody wants to sweat to the oldies with a bunch of old horny ass men and skinny ass old ladies tryin' to look 25 again in their Juicy sweat suits. Nobody actually likes to be on the damn treadmill or elliptical for 45 minutes - WAKE UP! You aren't going anywhere!! I want to see some scenery, trees, animals, crazy people, something!
Now don't get me wrong, I have tried. With me it's always something new... When I moved into my new apartment complex, one of the big draws was it had 2 really nice gyms - they have flat screen TV's, great equipment, and are like 50 steps from my house. I went once. Then, I promised my boyfriend, that if he got me an ipod for Christmas that I would go to the gym more - you know - maybe if I had a little bit of Sean Paul moanin' in my ear, it would motivate me to get my stair climb on. I went twice. Now, I'm on this bike kick. I live in the Marina, really close to Venice Beach - there are lots of nice trails to ride and I think it would be fun riding along the beach. We'll see how it goes. It's finally sunny today, so maybe after work. Why does food have to be so good, and exercise so bad??
What do you do to keep it tight?
Rally for Peace


Blogger unsaid said...

you sound like me girl! my boyfriend had to deal with my newest elliptical. i swore i would use it everyday, i even put it together on my own. i've used it twice and it's been 3 weeks!

i was doing water aerobics one week and that was fun.

i'm worse than Oprah!

March 29, 2006 8:58 AM  
Blogger Lāā said...

I hate exercise too. Never been to a gym to exercise before, except the ones in the hotels. Boring. I try to do little things when I'm watching TV. I'll lay half way on the bed and lift my legs up about 10 inches for the entire commercial break, isolating my stomach muscles. Or other little things while I'm watching TV. What motivates me is watching videos, seeing them skinny heffas dance around.

Thankfully my man doesn't say anything to me about my weight. When my clothes ain't fittin right I know it's time.

March 29, 2006 9:18 AM  
Blogger Butterfly Jones said...

I have a bike too which is great, and I run, which is not so great, but I have some heavy thighs, and they only respond to some running! I like to run outdoors but the weather's crap in England at the mo - I go gym too, and I do honestly like it. You just need to mix it up with some classes

March 29, 2006 11:45 AM  
Blogger Mocha said...

I'm with you, I hate treadmills, stairmasters all of that. For me, I had to find a class that disguises the I take a dance class and kickboxing class.
It's cool cuz the folks there don't take themselves to seriously and we usually fall out laughing while burning some calories.

March 29, 2006 12:13 PM  
Blogger Carmell said...

i'm not tight. haven't been for years! i hate exercise too. atthe apratment complex i lived at for 1 1/2 they had a nice gym. NEVER went. i told my husband that i want a bike for my birthday in Nov...we'll see if i get it. i just want to go bike riding with my son. and hopefully when we move where ever we move they will have side walks and the girls can go to. i'm to nervous to take them without one.

March 30, 2006 7:00 AM  

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