It Could All Be So Simple....

Like Lauryn Hill says - It could all be so simple, but you'd rather make it hard! If we all just spread a little peace it would be so much easier!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Ashes and Snow & American Gun

Happy (?) Monday everyone! I had a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend. Saturday, I went to see a new movie called American Gun, co-written and directed by a young L.A. native, (in his late 20's) Aric Avelino. This movie was GREAT! Unfortunately, the distribution company didn't spend too much time on advertising and marketing so not as many people will be able to see this movie that should because they will never find out about it! The movie stars Forest Whitaker, Donald Sutherland, Marcia Gay Harden and many other actors that you will recognize. It is comprised of 3 stories of how guns affect and influence the daily lives of Americans. The movie was inspired by the Columbine shootings, Aric thought that the media was focused on the wrong things and decided to take a deeper look into the lives of those who were deeply affected.
One of the three stories follows the mother and brother of the shooter in a Columbine-like shooting. It brings to life what none of us could ever fathom - having a child who could carelessly and effortlessly murder dozens of children. It is amazing to see Aric's take on this, it was chilling and very emotional.
Another story was about an inner city high school. Forest Whitaker is the principal and is drowned in work as he works thanklessly to
keep the school safe for its students. This story follows this principal and his failing efforts as a husband and father as he is entrenched in trying to save a sinking ship of a school that he works for. It also follows a young student of the school who works nights and helps take care of his siblings at home. He is forced to carry a gun to and from school to protect himself which is a reality for many young inner city youth.
The third story follows a girl who moves to Virginia to go to college and works in her grandfathers gun shop. Her decision to perhaps purchase a gun is fueled by witnessing her friend be nearly raped at a college party.
The interesting aspect of this film is that it shows 3 different cities and different races of people and how guns affect their daily lives. It is a sad, heart-felt, funny, emotional and thought provoking movie that I hope everyone has a chance to see.
Co writer and director Aric Avelino says:
"It's really just about understanding the people that live next to you and understanding the people that live three states away from you. I think a lot of people go to see films that are directly about them. And in our film, we ask people to look at characters that might be similar to them and we bring them together. And it's always been said by both Ted (the Producer) and I that it's our hope that a white woman in Oregon can associate with this black kid in inner-city Chicago, and a black kid in the inner-city Chicago can associate with the white gun shop owner, and it all happens as a result of the stories they are weaving. So, it's that texture I think that makes up this country, and it's that failure to understand that has plagued us."

It is only playing at select theaters and is slowly moving it's way across the country. Check it out!

Secondly, I was fortunate to see an exhibit called Ashes and Snow this weekend in Santa Monica. It is a moving exhibit which is housed in an amazing temporary structure. The photographs are beautiful and totally real. None of them have been digitally remade or photochopped. The website has many of the photos that are displayed (click the basic experience link to see the photos clearer).

The bad part about the exhibit is that is costs $15 to see. I think that is a bit much and because of the high cost, many people will not be able to afford to go and see the beautiful artwork in person. I was really looking forward to buying a poster to frame and put in my house. Can you believe that posters were selling for $50 and $85!!!?? Are you kidding me!? I think that it's unfortunate that capitalism has even corrupted such a beautiful and expressive thing as art!

Have a great day!

Think Peace

What did you do this weekend?


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